Monday, November 22, 2010


I don't really care that nobody reads my blog (this is for future reference) because it helps me release my stress and get things off my chest that I need to. BUT.....


Celebrating in style, I woke up with the love of my life, said goodbye as we went to work, called my family on the way to get me a chocolate fudgy filled donut and here I sit at work alone with no boss, no co-workers...just me! Hoping to have some sushi tonight, but it depends on the time the man gets home. I always try to live everyday to be happy and love the life I'm living, but today I just feel high and tingly. I don't know why. I thought I'd hate birthdays the older I got, but even though it hasn't been any kind of elaborate all the fibers that make me up are just glad I'm not where I was 3 years ago, 4 years ago...I love my life. I love the people in it and my son. Even though times have been hard financially I don't ever want to be anywhere else. It's not about money or "things" for me. It's about the people and the time spent here with them.

Over the weekend I got a beautiful Fire Topaz ring from my better half's mommy and a full moon ceremony from his dad! I haven't been in the circle with another person in years and it was pretty amazing. I don't think I would ever join a coven just because I'm more comfortable as a solitary. Feels more personal to me, but I would definitely hold a ritual with another person or other people every once in a while! It was fun.

Signing off and listening to Cake!
Blessed be!

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