Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sick of it

I'm trying to keep up with this whole blogging thing, but I'm usually so busy at work it's impossible to do anything else. And I didn't want to blog angry this morning, LOL.

Anyhoo, I am almost 27 years old. I've held this position since I got to Texas in 2009 and am raising what I consider to be a responsible child, considering he's only 5. I am not some flighty little 14 year old who thinks she's in love with every boy she meets. Granted, I haven't experienced the life my mom has, but I still think I'm fairly experienced at life given what I've been through with my ex.

The one thing I am so sick of is society's standards toward the general public. I am so ashamed of how this nation goes about telling people they should live. It's just sad that because I am in love with my partner and am not married to him that the world should look down on me. This does not change how I work, how I raise my son or how I regard nature by not littering. This doesn't make me a murderer or a rapist, it just makes me not married. After spending 6 years with my ex and two years with the current, I realize that marriage guarantees you nothing. Not even child support after things end in a bloody sticky mess. I haven't seen one damn cent out of my ex for my 5 year old son EVER. Let alone the fact that he hasn't even tried to call him in 3 months. I hold no soft spot in my heart anymore for the institution of marriage. Women, especially make it hard to believe in marriage for me because of how they treat their wedding day. Yes, it's their special day, but bridezilla? Come on...get real. A big glamorous wedding makes you no promises. It doesn't contain the magic fairy dust you need for a successful marriage. A successful, long lasting relationship is about getting along, compromising and be respectful of the other person. BOTH OF YOU. It's work, everything in life is. If it were easy, it wouldn't be worth it. You don't get to yell at the other person because you needed to vent. Find another way and talk it over with your S/O. Repsect their feelings.

Anyway, I've deviated from what I was saying. The more that people push me to push him to ask me to marry him, the more it makes me want to say "absolutely not!" We are stuck to each other like glue 24/7. We so enjoy spending our free time together, watching movies, playing games, taking the boy places or whatever we see we want to do. We love each other's families and are working on the design of our next house (already bought a house together, but going to build the next one). So...I don't see the problem. The only thing I see could potentially be a problem is money or "things" if he passes away. But other than that, I was married to an asshole for 6 years and absolutely nothing was sacred in that relationship. These two relationships are like night and day, I swear. How can something be so wrong in society's eyes and so right in my heart? I just don't get it.

Ky's Mommy signing off...

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